Hardrock Supergroup THE DEAD DAISIES is back with a new Best of Album and a big Tour (see below) end of the Year. Singer John Corabi has rejoined the band and all signs point to a storm of Rock`n Roll Power. Time for an cool Interview with John Corabi.

John, you returned to The Dead Daisies after your break-up with them in 2019. What has driven you to join the band again?
Well, I never left on “bad terms” to begin with. I was in contact with all the members of The Dead Daisies organization (including Glenn) the entire time. I left for one reason, and that was to take a moment from the insanely hectic schedule we were undertaking. So when David Lowy and I had dinner in April, and discussed my return, he assured me he wants to get back to the FUN again, without anybody’s health or we’ll being, being compromised! So….KICK ASS, no BURNOUT

Glenn Hughes, who did the job after your department, had a totally different voice than yours. How are you dealing with the songs he sings when it comes to live shows?
I took versions of the Glenn songs with no vocals home, and figured out how to do his songs my way! Obviously, Glenn is a brilliant singer, and a freak of nature, so I obviously had some homework to do…

Do you rearrange them to fit to your voice?
The melodies are intact and the integrity of what Glenn did vocally is 95% there. But I just changed some of the higher things he did, and made them more “bluesy…?” Corabi-ish. I’ve had no complaints about what I’m doing as well…

The Dead Daisies will be playing a tour in Europe at the end of the year. What can you tell us about the set list, what can the fans expect?
We’re making sure we give kudos to ALL 3 phases of The Dead Daisies!!! So, there’s songs of mine, Glenn’s and Jon Stevens as well. And we’re having a BLAST doing so!!!

Do you have any contact with members of your old bands, The Scream, Union and Mötley Crüe?
Not really. I’ve recently seen Brent Fitz from Union, and unfortunately didn’t get to hang too long, as I was feeling a bit under the weather. But I love Brent!!! He’s a great pal, and low maintenance friend!!!! But the rest….not so much

What are you doing besides the music? Any hobbies or things you love?
Honestly, I’m pretty boring when I’m home. I love just kicking back at home with my wife, and dogs, and watch movies, American Football, and write music…I do visit my son Ian and his girls as well..But usually after the chaotic schedule of touring, I’m content at HOME!

What are you doing on tour in your free time when you’re not playing or travelling?
SLEEP!!!!!! Lol Just take care of MY needs so I can get through a whole tour in good health…haha We ain’t 25 anymore!!! Hahaha

You have gone through some hard times in the music business in the past, have you ever thought of giving up the music?
NOPE….NEVER…..NADA….NO….This is ALL I know how to do. This is what I was put on Earth to do!!! And YOU obviously have never watched me handle “power tools!!!!!” Lol

You have a very strong and powerful voice, what are you doing to keep it in shape?
Up to this point?…..ALL THE WRONG THINGS!!!! Lol     Now at age 64, I make sure I eat right, sleep enough, don’t smoke too much of ANYTHING, and don’t drink too much whiskey…especially before a SHOW!!!

What can we expect from The Dead Daisies in the future?
Hopefully some NEW MUSIC, and finish up the tour!!! We haven’t played a majority of America, South America, Mexico, and Australia!!! So we have much more work to do!!!!

Are you guys planning a new studio record?
We’ve discussed it, but we have no definitive date as of yet!!! As soon as we know…you’ll know too!!! Lol

Any last words or something that you’d like to say to the fans in Germany?
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I can’t wait to get back and see our German friends, and say “HELLO!!!!” Looking forward to the shows, the food, and most of all…YOU the fans!!!! SEE YA SOON!!!



04 – Z7, Pratteln                                               Schweiz
09 – Airport Obertraubling, Regensburg      Deutschland


05 – Szene Wien, Wien                               Österreich
09 – Hirsch, Nürnberg                                 Deutschland
10 – Columbia Theater, Berlin                   Deutschland
12 – Batschkapp, Frankfurt                        Deutschland
13 – Zeche, Bochum                                  Deutschland
15 – Rock Out Festival, Augsburg             Deutschland
16 – Knock Out Festival, Karlsruhe            Deutschland

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