This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists. What are their favorite guitars and how is it related to them? This time with Andy Gillion.
When you start guitar playing and do you remember your first guitar?
I always used to wail on my Dad’s guitar when I was a young kid, I even ruined two of them! But I didn’t start to really play until I was about 10 or 11 years old. My first guitar was a „Rockwood“ (Fender Strat copy) with a sunburst finish. I bought it off my friend, Yan, who was the other guitarist in my band, „Turbulence“ at the time. I was about 10/11 and I think it cost my dad 60 quid!
What are your influences and which guitar players are your faves?
I take influence for music from so many places, often video games, movie soundtracks, but in terms of guitar players and bands… in the beginning it was Garry Moore, Slash/Guns ’n‘ Roses, Metallica, Brian May/Queen, Michael Jackson (as he often had a big rocky influence), Michael Romeo of Symphony X, Protest the Hero, John Petrucci, Jeff Loomis of course!
How many guitars do you own and what are your favorite models?
It’s funny, I only own three guitars. One is a wine coloured Mexican Strat, which is back at home in the UK living with my parents – I used this until I was 16. From then, I used a PRS Custom 24, which I still have, and since 2013 I have only used one guitar – my Daemoness custom. I will never understand how people can afford to buy so many guitars. I’m a full-time musician, I’m broke and I live with only two!
What do you think makes the perfect guitar and amp?
For me, a good guitar is all about feel and quality – how it feels in your hands is the absolutely most important thing for me above all else. I will just put it down if it doesn’t feel right. Secondly, things like sustain, how well it is built quality-wise and how it sounds. If I don’t get that instant connection with the instrument, it’s lost on me. As for an amp, that depends on what tone I’m going for, but the 5150 or 6505+ come pretty close to the perfect amp for what I do.
How do you feel about the question of modeler or tube amp?
I guess I started out playing with a digital tone – the POD 2.0 for example. I’ve always been a lover of digital tones and have always found it hard to capture what I am after with tube amps, unless I reamp with people who know what they’re doing. For rhythm tones I think my Axe FX2 is still great, but for full album productions, I tend to go for either a 5150 or 6505+ and reamp through those. If done right, they’re still better in my opinion. But I will always go digital and use my Axe FX for leads!
I dislike the whole real amp vs digital debate/argument. It’s so pointless – just use what sounds best to you and for your vision. That’s all that matters!
Which guitars and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?
On my new album, „Exilium“, we reamped with a Peavey 6506+ for the rhythm guitars and used my Axe FX 2 for leads as usual. I think the tones on the new album are the best I’ve ever heard. I’m very happy with the sound of the new record and feel we really nailed something special for it!
When you only can choose one guitar, which one will you take?
This is easy – it’s always the Daemoness custom for me. That may change if something comes along and changes my mind, but I have a strong connection with that guitar and it’s been with me through many albums. It just feels and plays so beautifully. The PRS is a close second. I have always wanted to own an Aristides – maybe one day!

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