This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists. What are their favorite guitars and how is it related to them? This time with Davie Wong (Written By Wolves).

Pics by: Samantha Davies , Gabi Rakine Creative

When you start guitar playing and do you remember your first guitar?
I started playing guitar around the age of 9 or 10. The first guitar I ever played on was my Dads Kiso Suzuki Acoustic which had been living in our attic for eternity. It was what truly peaked my interest in learning to play. The first guitar I ever bough was an old Aria Pro – Les Paul Style guitar. It was actually a really nice playing guitar and was a great beginners electric.

What are your influences and which guitar players are your faves?
My musical influences are pretty extreme. I grew up listening to Metallica and Boy-Bands. Which sounds extreme, but I feel like I owe my song writing style to this haha. So there would probably be no WBW without that influence. My favorite guitarists would have to be Doug Aldrich, John Mayer, Tim Henson, Dimebag and Stevie Ray Vaughan. I have to give huge props to Hetfield and Hammett, both who inspired me to play from a young age.

How many guitars do you own and what are your favorite models?
I have been lucky enough to be a Schecter Guitars Endorsee for many years. I started playing Schecter when I was around 18 and I have never gone back. Their tone, feel, versatility and of course look to me, are second to none. I currently have 10+ of them, but my most favorite would be the new PT Classic I just picked up. Japanese made, it’s got this beautiful purple quilted top – it’s incredible.

What do you think makes the perfect guitar and amp?
Honestly – durability is key for anyone touring. I want a guitar/amp that can go through being played night after night, flown/driven for miles and to still sound/play the same. Tone is the other key thing I look for. Written By Wolves sound is super versatile and dynamic. So for me, its having guitars that can switch in and out of atmospheric clean tones and gritty overdrives. This is why Schecter have always been my go to.

How do you feel about the question of modeler or tube amp?
For years I played an ENGL FIREBALL with an XXL Cab. I have owned Mesa, Bogners, Soldanos – you name it. But the ENGL tonally had the best of all worlds in one head/cab. Fast forward to now with Written By Wolves… Its all about compactness (without sacrificing tone)… I run a Line 6 Helix Rack with the floor controller and honestly, its been my favorite setup. Once I spent a bit of time working the patches and bringing In different IRs I was completely blown away with what you can do. I would totally say there is a time and place for both. Studio – I love the option to use a tube amp, cranked – but for touring, modelers are definitely the way forward.

Which guitars and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?
I used a mixture of Schecter guitars. I play a number of different PT models, all with different pick up configurations. So I was able to get some different/unique tones from each of them. I have (what I like to call my studio workhorse) an older Schecter Traditional, which was used for most of the rhythm parts. As far as amps go – I actually used the ENGL presets from the Helix plugins for the majority of the record.

When you only can choose one guitar, which one will you take?
It would now have to be my Schecter PT Classic in Purple Burst – that guitar is just unreal. Quilted maple top, flame maple neck… ahhhh its seriously one of the best guitars I have ever played.


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