This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists or bassists.. What are their favorite guitars or basses and how is it related to them? This time with Eva Gardner (Pink, The Mars Volta).

P!nk performs in the Radio 2 Piano Room at BBC Maida Vale Studios on Wednesday 15th February 2023.
Photo by James Watkins

When you start bass playing and do you remember your first bass?

I first wanted to start playing bass when I was about 7 years old. Then again when I was about 12 but it never happened for some reason. Finally when I was 14 one of my Dad’s friends came over with a bass and an amp and gave me my first lesson. I borrowed his bass for a while. Then I borrowed one of my Dad’s Carvins for a while. I finally earned my own bass when I was 15, it was a Christmas gift – a Fender Precision that I still use to this day. 

Pic by Mogli Maureal

What are your influences and which bass players are your favs?

My father was my first and biggest influence. I started playing bass because that’s what he did.  I love John Paul Jones, Rocco Prestia and James Jamerson.

Shamblen Studios, Amy Shamblen Creative

How many basses do you own and what are your favorite models?

I probably own about 20 basses. I inherited my father’s vintage basses so they are pretty special, including his upright bass built in the 1800s. 

Pic by Mogli Maureal

What do you think makes the perfect bass and amp?

The thing that makes the perfect bass/amp combo is what feels and sounds right to the player. It’s all a matter of personal taste – if it’s perfect for them, then it’s perfect!

Pic by Mogli Maurea

Which basses and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

I usually use Fender Precisions and an Ampeg amp – often a B-15.  I use Ampeg SVT Suite plugins when I’m going direct. They sound fantastic and are coming straight from the source! 

Shamblen Studios, Amy Shamblen Creative

When you only can choose one bass, which one will you take?

I’d have to go with my very first bass, the Fender Precision that my parents gave me for Christmas when I was 15. It’s been through my whole journey with me, from music school to my first tours, most recordings I’ve done and onto arena and stadium stages. It feels like home.

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