When did you start keyboard & bass playing and do you remember your first keys and basses?
I started playing keyboards at the age of 6 and my first keyboard was a Casio Portatone. Bass playing actually came much later when i was 18-19 I think. I still use my first bass on gigs. It’s a ´Vintage´ 4 string.
What are your influences and which players are your favs?
Well, my favourite band, and the band that changed my perception of music, was Tower of Power. I then got into soul, funk, jazz, R&B in a big way and found myself playing with some of the UK’s British soul pioneers who became my mentors. Sly and the Family Stone, Larry Graham, Prince, Cymande, F.B.I, The Breakfast Band, Jimmy Lindsay, Earth, Wind and Fire, Fred Wesley, Maceo Parker, Red Garland…….As well as Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Jon Cleary, Donny Hathaway, Leroy Hutson…….not forgetting B.B King, Freddie King, Gonzalez, TOTO are what you would find in my playlist. Michael Bailey (bass), Sam Kelly (drums), Richard Bailey (drums), Dave Clarke (bass) James Lascelles (Keys), Root Jackson (vocals) Winston Delandro (Guitar), Tim Cansfield (Guitar), Mick Eve (Saxophone) and others all took the time with me and taught me about music. I got some ass kickings too – but I kept turning up and I’m forever grateful for the what they gave me. These guys are my favourite players, and what I love about them most is that their playing is so unique, that you knew who it was on the record, just by listening to it.
What keys and basses are your favorite models?
I love Vintage keys. Fender Rhodes, Hammond B3, Clavinet and Wurlitzers. Unfortunately most of these things are to big and heavy to cart around and space is a premium in the van. Hammond kindly offered me an Endorsement last year and now i use the XK5 model with a Leslie 760 as well as my Nord Stage 2, which covers the piano and e.piano sounds. The XK5 sounds just like the real deal and it inspires me to play it For bass, I like the fender Jazz or precision. They were my favourite until I bought my Anaconda 4 string and the sound of this is incredible so this is my current favourite. The Vanderkley bass amps and speakers are amazing too.
What do you think makes the perfect gear?
Well built tools and a skilled player.
What you use for recordings?
Depends on the situation. For the last 2 albums I did with Kai Strauss I used a grand piano, a B3 and my Nord as well as some string samples from my mac. for the live recording I did with Layla Zoe (Retrospective Tour) I only used my Nord and my bass going through a Vanderkley rig. Generally when I record bass parts I go straight into the desk.

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