Guitar Special Vol.299 with Doug Aldrich (The Dead Daisies, ex-Dio, ex-Whitesnake)

This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists. What are their favorite guitars and how is it related to them? This time with Doug Aldrich (The Dead Daisies, ex-Dio, ex-Whitesnake).

When you started guitar playing and do you remember your first guitar?

I started playing guitar in 1974 at 11 years old and my first guitar was my sister’s classical guitar and first electric guitar was a department store copy of a Les Paul.  My first good guitar was a 1973 Goldtop Les Paul.

What are your influences and which guitar players are your faves?

My influences and favs are Jeff Beck, Jimmy Hendrix, Jimmy Page and Ritchie Blackmore.

How many guitars do you own and what are your favourite models?

I own approx. 75 guitars and my favourites are the oldest ones I have from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. My favourite models, I have a 1956 Les Paul Junior which you can hear on Hypnotize Yourself, and my favourite live guitar is a 1957 reissue Les Paul Goldtop.

What do you think makes the perfect guitar and amp?

For guitars it’s about the feel and resonance it needs to feel right and comfortable and an extension of your body and a good guitar will resonate and sustain whether it is plugged into a guitaramp or not.  I do use Marshalls and tube amp breathes well and sounds alive.

How do you feel about the question of modeler or tube amp?

I would say about the modeler there are some very good sounds in the modeler and I was very surprised how good they are.  That said I’m too lazy to dive into at the moment I’m still using my tube amps from the 70’s.

Which guitars and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

Les Paul’s, Stratocasters and Telecasters and amps 1979 Marshall JMP, a Budda amp, a Diesel amp and few plug-ins from pro tools.

When you only can choose one guitar, which one will you take?

My 1957 reissue Les Paul.

Pics by: Adam Glagla for

New Album out on 30.09.22


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