Guitar Special Vol.280 with Kevin Stunnenberg (Fire Horse)

Pic:Félice Hofhuizen

This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists. What are their favorite guitars and how is it related to them? This time with Kevin Stunnenberg (Fire Horse).

When you start guitar playing and do you remember your first guitar?

When I was a kid of nine years old, my parents gave me my first guitar. It was a short scale acoustic guitar with nylon strings. This guitar is still around, I gave it to my younger brothers. In the beginning my cousin taught me a few chords. As the years went by, I figured out chords and licks from playing along with music and some guitar books. My first electric guitar was an Olympic White Squier Stratocaster. I started with guitar lessons when I was thirteen years old.

What are your influences and which guitar players are your faves?

There are many artists from different styles that inspire me, and I hope I will get to know more artists that will inspire me in the future. Rock guitarists are my main inspiration, but I also dig blues, jazz, country, gypsy, funk, and classical guitarists. There are so many good guitarists that remind me to keep on learning. To name a few of my favourite guitarists Jimi Hendrix, Robert Johnson, Brian May, George Harrison, David Gilmour & Scotty Moore.

How many guitars do you own and what are your favourite models?

At the moment I own nine guitars. Six electric guitars and three acoustic guitars. The Fender American Professional ii Stratocatser (HSS) & The Gibson Les Paul Standard Goldtop are my favorite models. I feel at home with a Strat and the Goldtop’s sustain is an absolute killer. Before I forget, I love to play my Martin X-Series when I am at home

What do you think makes the perfect guitar and amp?

In my opinion there is no perfect combination because there are a lot of perfect combinations! I love to be surprised. It also depends on what kind of sound you are looking for. Besides, I always combine two amps and I use different guitars. For Fire Horse shows I use a VOX AC30 and a Marshall JTM45 clone with my humbucker Stratocaster or my Les Paul Goldtop. This combination works perfectly with my pedalboard. The JTM45 gives a lot of bottom end & the VOX AC30 provides bright sparkles. Together they cover a full spectrum of sound.

How do you feel about the question of modeler or tube amp?

I am very interested in new guitar technologies and companies are getting better every day. Modelers are very useful in certain situations. You have to carry less weight and you won’t get angry neighbours when you play at home. But still, modelers just do not work for me. On stage I want to feel the air being pushed by tube amps. I also love how tubes react on playing. I might consider a modeling floorboard, if Fire Horse will fly around the globe for international shows. But more likely I will use a smaller pedalboard and ask the venues for tube amps instead.

Which guitars and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

For our upcoming album ‚Out Of The Ashes‘ I used:

  • A vintage VOXAC30 from the seventies
  • A vintage Fender Twin Reverb
  • Peter’s Supro Black Magic
  • Peter’s Gibson Les Paul Custom Cherry Burst
  • My Gibson Les Paul Goldtop
  • My Kapteijns Telecaster Custom Black and Gold
  • My Fender American Special Stratocaster Apple Red
  • My Fender Mexican Stratocaster Olympic White
  • Pic:Félice Hofhuizen

When you only can choose one guitar, which one will you take?

This is a very hard and tormenting question…. In the end I will have to choose a stratocaster, because I feel at home when I have a strat in my hands.

Pic:Félice Hofhuizen


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