This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists. What are their favorite guitars and how is it related to them? This time with Luke Man (Leatherwolf).

When you start guitar playing and do you remember your first guitar?

I started playing at 10 years of age after my cousin put some Led Zeppelin, Scorpions and Ozzy Osbourne on my iPod. My first guitar was a Yamaha Pacifica. Replaced by a white Les Paul Studio when I was 13. I would more so consider this my first guitar, because I was a lot more serious about playing at this point.

What are your influences and which guitar players are your favs?

I like the Shrapnel guys like Malmsteen, Becker, Friedman, of course, but I also dig Hendrix and Gilmour. I usually sum up my style as Malmsteen, Hendrix and Gilmour. Of course, I’m into Brandon Ellis and Jeff Loomis if we’re talking more modern dudes.

How many guitars do you own and what are your favorite models?

At the rad pad I currently have 7 guitars. I really like this Ghosthorse Brendon Small Signature Explorer. It’s a real looker. Also have a cool Charvel that my girlfriend painted like a sunset. That thing sounds awesome! Looks super vibey, too.

What do you think makes the perfect guitar and amp?

Beats me, dude! Anytime I find a guitar that sonically crushes all the other guitars, I try to dissect components and features that contribute to such a wicked tone, but when I try to replicate them, I never end up with something as killer. Some axes are just special. Develop your ears and then use them. Listen for the TONE!! As far as amps, I think the one that works is the priority! If I’m spoiled to have multiple amps in working condition, I think the EVH stuff is all-time. Who would have thought Eddie Van Halen would make the good shit?? I also love Engl amps as heard on Symphony X records. Unfortunately, I have not had the chance to play many myself.

How do you feel about the question of modeler or tube amp?

I feel similar about the question, „Would you prefer to eat a Ramen Bowl with bone broth that’s been simmering for over sixteen hours, prepared by a professional ramen chef topped with Chashu pork, chili garlic paste and soft-boiled eggs or would you prefer to eat dehydrated noodles in pouch from the grocery store?“

Which guitars and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

On the forthcoming Leatherwolf album, I recorded solos on ‚Hit the Dirt‘, ‚Medusa‘ and ‚Road Rage‘. For these solos I used the EVH 5150 III and the ‚World Asylum‘ Charvel. That combo is pretty beast.

When you only can choose one guitar, which one will you take?

If we’re gigging, I’m going with the Ghosthorse Explorer – that thing is so sick. If this is a desert island or ideally a tropical island sort of a situation, I’d prefer to take a seven string so I can practice more extended arpeggios and heavier riffs in odd meter. This, of course, would last for about three days before I get bored and surf the remainder of my life away or succumb to insanity. Whichever comes first.

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