Pic: Peter Troest

This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists or bassists.. What are their favorite guitars or basses and how is it related to them? This time with the band EYES.

Pic: Peter Troest

Who am I interviewing?

Hi. Kenn here.

Pic: Peter Troest

When you start bass playing and do you remember your first bass?

I started playing guitar when i was 14, but switched to bass when I was around 18 years old. The first bass I had was one I was borrowing for an infinite time. A cheap 4 string beginner bass.

What are your influences and which bass players are your favs?

I like bass players who has a good mix of sticking out and blending in. Players with a punchy and round tone with a good amount of dirt. Brian Cook from Russian Circles and Sumac, Nate Newton of Converge and Caleb Scofield of Zozobra and Old Man Gloom.

How many basses do you own and what are your favorite models?

I currently own 2 basses. A cheap Squier Affinity Precision bass which has been modded a bit and a Schecter Model-T session. Both of them 4 strings.

What do you think makes the perfect bass and amp?

That’s a tough question. I mostly use solid state amps, which works great for me. I like the reliability. Currently I have an Orange OB1-500. I’m very happy about my Schecter Model-T session bass. It plays really well and is nicely balanced.

Which basses and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

It was all recorded on an Orange AD200B and with my cheap Squier.

When you only can choose one bass, which one will you take?

Gibson Ripper in natural, all day.

Pic: Naya Buch

Who am I interviewing?

Søren “I mostly play rhythm-parts of our songs – Rasmus plays the more “leady” stuff.”

When you start guitar playing and do you remember your first guitar?

I think that I started playing around 1998/1999 after getting Korn’s ‘Follow The Leader’ on CD… Yeah, I remember it – I actually have it still, standing right next to our bed here at home, haha. It’s a Squier Stratocaster that I put an EMG’s into instead of the stock pickups.”

What are your influences and which guitar players are your faves?

My influences range from Stevie Ray Vaughan through Jeff Irwin (Will Haven) to Jeff Hanneman (Slayer) and Jordan Buckley (Better Lovers/ex-Every Time I Die) – I really like how you can practically hear who the player is, and I think that informs my favorite players more than the technical aspects. I feel the same about Rasmus’ playing style; I can hear when it’s him playing. I myself have a more “strict” way of playing whereas Rasmus has a more laid back and groovy style – we compliment each other pretty well in my opinion.

How many guitars do you own and what are your favorite models?

I think I have a handful guitars but most of them don’t have any strings on them currently… and I tend to go for simple guitars. A shape I’ve always liked is the Les Paul – I’ve played an ESP LTD Eclipse-model way back, but sold it, and last year I got an even more stripped down version of that shape. I like the SG/Viper-shape as well. (Rasmus has two SG’s so I think that’s one of his favorites as well – we’re simple dudes!)”

Pic: Peter Troest

What do you think makes the perfect guitar and amp?

If it works it’s perfect. I’m really bad at trying new stuff and usually use stuff until it falls apart – my main guitars have 1 pickup and 1 volume knob, I don’t need anything else. I don’t know anything about amps – a friend from another band that we shared practice space with was selling his amp, and I didn’t have one so I bought it. It works and plays loud so I’m satisfied, haha.”

How do you feel about the question of modeler or tube amp?

I’ve never tried a modeler – and can’t afford one – so I’ll probably just stick to the amp that I have.”

Which guitars and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

We used an ESP LTD Viper-baritone for my parts, a Gibson SG for Rasmus’ parts – I used my Rivera Knucklehead Tré and Rasmus used his old trusty Orange Thunderverb 200.”

When you only can choose one guitar, which one will you take?

Hmmmmmm, if I can still have my other guitars as backups I’d really like to get a BC Rich Mockingbird – that’s just a cool looking guitar that looks like it would play good. If not I’ll just stick with my LTD’s, haha.”


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