This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists or bassists.. What are their favorite guitars or basses and how is it related to them? This time with John Gallagher (Raven).

When you start bass guitar playing and do you remember your first bass guitar?

*** I started back in 1974…. got my first bass that Christmas and I would have been 16 years old! It was a secondhand Ibanez bass that vaguely resembled a fender jazz… it was a great little bass!

What are your influences and which bass guitar players are your favs?

**** oh so many of both… I grew up with so many insanely gifted musicians as influences… Andy Fraser, John Entwistle, Chris Squire, Ronnie Lane, Jimmy Lea, Martin Turner, Gary Thain, John Wetton, Greg Lake, Geddy Lee, John Paul Jones…..the list goes on forever lol impossible to pick a favorite!

How many bass guitars do you own and what are your favorite models?

**** I currently own about 17-18 basses, which I’ve built back up over the last 10 years or so ..I love em all … my white Flying V and my old red explorer with the trem are always my “ go to“ and the last 3 albums were almost exclusively done with the white V… I’ve built or customized quite a few of my basses… I revamped both an Ibanez Iceman and an Ibanez Soundgear into 8 string basses and they came out just amazing!!!

What do you think makes the perfect bass guitar and amp?

***** that’s tough… first the guitar has to feel right… then sound good! I like an amp/ cab setup that’s loud & clean … as I get all my dirt from my effects (and it’s VERY dirty) .. and a setup that’s reliable!!!

How do you feel about the question of modeler or tube amp?

***** it’s very difficult to tell the difference these days but what’s more important is “ does it sound good?“ Theres many tube amps that suck… and many modelers too.. you have to go by your ears, but I have to say, it’s the golden age right now for tone… so many great options.

Which basses and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

**** on the “ leave em bleeding“ compilation album as it’s a retrospective over the last 10-15 years there’s a few basses on there! My Carlo Robelli 8 string is on “ necessary evil“… the white V is on pretty much everything else. The red explorer is on “ crash bang wallop“

When you only can choose one guitar, which one will you take?

***** probably still my red explorer… beaten and bruised but still does the business!

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