Lacuna Coil release new single “Hosting The Shadow” feat. Randy Blythe from Lamb of God

Lacuna Coil release new single „Hosting The Shadow“ feat. Randy Blythe from Lamb of God; on UK & Ireland tour in October

Die italienischen Goth-Metal-Legenden Lacuna Coil freuen sich, die neue Single Hosting The Shadow zu veröffentlichen. Nach der erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit mit Ash Costello von New Years Day für ihre letzte Single In The Mean Time, featured der neue Track Hosting The Shadow keinen geringeren als Randy Blythe von der großartigen amerikanischen Band Lamb of God.

Hört Hosting the Shadow (feat. Randy Blythe) hier.

Italian Goth metal legends Lacuna Coil are proud to unleash a new single Hosting The Shadow on the world. After their successful collaboration with Ash Costello of New Years Day on their latest single In The Mean Time, the new track Hosting The Shadow comes with none other than Randy Blythe from the mighty American band,  Lamb of God.

Listen to Hosting the Shadow (feat. Randy Blythe) here.

Lacuna Coil adds about the new single and collaboration with Randy:
„‚Hosting The Shadow‘ is a trip through light and dark, where silence reveals its hidden secrets. Obscure moments can become occasions to evolve, to learn to master one’s own shadow – which is crucial in order to prevail. Randy Blythe did an incredible job on this track, we absolutely adore his voice and his evil laugh! Our admiration for him is infinite and to have him as a guest on this song is a dream come true. Partnering with a friend you respect immensely, that also kicks ass on stages around the world: it doesn’t get any better than this. We’re looking forward to the day we can perform Hosting The Shadow live together!

The appreciation for the collaboration is more than mutual. Randy Blythe adds:
„I was super excited when Lacuna Coil asked me to sing on a song with them – not only am I a big fan of their music, they are truly beautiful souls who have been like family to me for 20 years now.  We’ve played shows together all over the world, and I’ve always wanted to jump onstage and sing with them- I can’t wait until it actually happens with Hosting the Shadow!


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