This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists or bassists.. What are their favorite guitars or basses and how is it related to them? This time with Barend Courbois (MSG).

When you start bass playing and do you remember your first bassguitar?

Hello Music lovers !! I started playing bass at the very young age of 8, after playing drums, Indian Tabla’s and Scotish Backpipe since I was 5. My first bass was a Fender MusicMaster scortscale bass.

What are your influences and which bass players are your favs?

My influences on bass are: Larry Graham, Jaco, Stanley, Marcus, Geddy Lee, Steve Harris, Doug Wimbish, Billy Sheehan.

How many basses do you own and what are your favorite models?

I am a bass collecter, i own around 40 beautiful basses. My old Fenders and old Spectors are my favorite.

What do you think makes the perfect bass and amp?

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