This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists or bassists.. What are their favorite guitars or basses and how is it related to them? This time with Tony Newton (KK´s Priest).

When you start bass playing and do you remember your first bass?

When I was 12. My first bass was a Sakai sg copy, very cheap.

What are your influences and which bass players are your favs?

Geezer Butler, Cliff Williams, Tim RATM.

Pic: Uli Bechstein

How many basses do you own and what are your favorite models?

About 8 I think. My favourite is a hybrid I put together, black 1976 jazz body with a 1978 precision neck.

What do you think makes the perfect bass and amp?

The type and quality of the wood. Perfect bass amp I would say is a valve pre amp and and solid state power amp (I use a pa power amp for clean power).

Which basses and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

The bass I mentioned above was mostly used. Also a Yamaha attitude II with Seymour Duncan p bass 1/4 pounder pick ups.

When you only can choose one bass, which one will you take?

Again the bass I mentioned earlier. Cheers

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