This article series is about the Guitars, Amps and Pedals that popular guitarists uses live on stage. This time the british Blues and Rock Master Ash Wilson shows what he uses on Tour with the „Sari Schorr Band“. I met him just before the first Show of a long European Tour at Musiktheater Piano Dortmund Germany (07.03.23) and he was so kind to explain his gear. Ash Wilson uses 3 PRS Guitars, 633 Amp and box and different Pedals.

PRS Silver Sky

PRS McCarty 594 S2

PRS McCarty 594 Core

Jam Pedals wah, Tc electronic PolyTune, Lehle volume, Chicago iron Octavia, Mad professor royal blue overdrive, jam pedals retro vibe, Kingtone fuzz, Kingtone duelist, Strymon flint, UA Starlight delay, Gig rig quartermaster x6

Guitar Special Vol.85 mit Ash Wilson

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