Guitar/ Bass Special Vol.300 with Glenn Hughes (The Dead Daisies, ex-Deep Purple)

This article series is about the tools of popular guitarists or bassists.. What are their favorite guitars or basses and how is it related to them? This time with Glenn Hughes (The Dead Daisies, ex-Deep Purple).

When you started bass playing and do you remember your first bass?

I started playing bass guitar in 1968. I initially started playing guitar in 1962 but later moved to the bass. My first bass guitar was a 1962 Fender Jazz bass.

What are your Influences and which bass players are your favs?

My inspiration has always been Rhythm and Blues music and Rhythm and Blues bass playing. My favourite bassists are Paul McCartney, James Jameson, Andy Fraser, Jack Bruce and John Entwistle.

How many basses do you own and what are your favourite models?

I can never really choose a particular bass, as each bass offers a different tone for a different musical situation. I do love Precision and Jazz style basses. I always have the option of 2 basses with me. I tour and record with my Nash basses, they’re fantastic instruments. I use Lollar pick-ups in them and they really give me the versatility I desire.

What makes the perfect bass and amp?

My favourite amps for guitar or bass are always tube amps. If you remember in Deep Purple, I used Hiwatt amps and now I am very happily using Orange bass amps, Their AD200 or Tiny Terror bass, both valved driven. I do have a signature bass amp with Orange which is very versatile, and I love to use it in my studio.

What basses and amps were used on the new album or for recordings?

The basses I used on The Dead Daisies album ‘Radiance’ were a 1965 Fender precision bass, A Nash J63 and a P57. They are my ‘go to’ basses when it comes to recording. And of course, I always play through my Orange AD200.

When you can only choose one bass, which one will you take?

I can never really choose one bass, but it will always be either a Precision bass or a Jazz bass. I always carry the 2 options with me.

Pics by Adam Glagla for

New Album out on 30.09.22

The Dead Daisies – Matrix Bochum 13.06.22

Glenn Hughes – 24.10.2018 Zeche Bochum


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